Friday, February 12, 2010

I found an old photo of me and made it my blog profile picture because I like it and it's before I turned into an ugly dog.


jady said...

ive only had coffee today and raspberry jame with a spoon. i cant think of how to write the lyrics for this can i be so hopeless when it comes to song. i want to kill myself, im just sad, dwindling here. I love you alot but i dont know where to walk except one place. my mom is in the kitchen still crying about our dog that got hit my the car. My dad wanted him jumping around in the snow yesterday I saw it in his eyes. Everyone is so desperate in my family and it's all really subtle and i dont understand why. Except my mom maybe, she keeps saying "make this go away." over and over for some reason now. My cat was dying in my lap, i set her down on the floor and left, when i came back she was dead. i want to tell you all these things and how much they bother me, but they don't to much. and that's why i want to go away. i love you.

Christopher said...

Your big brown eyes rock.

Kanwalful said...

I like the red hair