Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a couple more formsprings i picked out to post.

What color should I paint my nails?

Opaque Gray. Then let me borrow it.

What would you do if you woke up one morning as a man?

Touch it, then hopefully wake up from the dream where I woke up as a man

What is your favorite book and why?

Augusten Burrough's Running with Scissors. It's been my favorite book since I was a teenager. I like it cause It's raw and based on his real experience. I won't watch the movie because I don't want to ruin the images I made up in my mind.

Who is your favorite band/artist and why exactly? And when was the first time you heard them?

Xiu Xiu. I love his voice, the lyrics, and the weird noises. haha
I was first introduced to their song "Muppet Face" when I first started going to the old Championship. So it was defintely along time ago.

What little details in life do you love?

Blogging at 4 a.m., the couple minutes my cat will come to me to be petted in a day, hot tea before I go to sleep, heavy rainstorms when I have nowhere to go.

What was your favorite album from 2009?

Hm, this is a hard one. The Juno Soundtrack? Haha. I don't know. I didn't have much access to new music in 2009. Do you have any to recommend?


Ashlie said...

good, i'm glad to help. you continue to help me.

Anonymous said...

IDK where to comment back.. :) but thanks deary. You're an exclamation of beauty in my eyes as well. Also, I got my tattoos there in order to leave the option open for a chest piece.. Idea courtesy of the tattoo artist. I love your flowers and I am also going to check out Xiu Xiu due to this post. :)